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Good news! Themis successfully obtained certificate of CNAS (China Conformity Assessment National Accreditation Board)!
Time:2017-8-1 10:35:04

In August 2016, Themis obtained CNAS (China Conformity Assessment National Accreditation Board) accreditation certificate! Certificate number is CNAS L9248.

Many people may not know what CNAS is. The China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) is approved by the State Certification and Accreditation Administration Commission and authorized under the "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Certification and Accreditation" Of the national accreditation bodies, unified and responsible for the accreditation of certification bodies, laboratories and inspection agencies and other relevant agencies. The purpose of China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment is to promote the conformity assessment agencies to step up their construction in accordance with the relevant standards and norms and other requirements and promote the conformity assessment agencies to serve the society effectively with fair practices, scientific methods and accurate results.

The national accreditation system for conformity assessment of China has been integrated into the system of mutual recognition of international recognition and plays an important role in the system of mutual recognition of mutual recognition of international recognition. CNAS is accredited by the accreditation system in testing laboratories, calibration laboratories, medical laboratories, testing institutes, proficiency testing providers (PTPs) and reference materials / standards producers (RMPs), and CNAS has joined the current APLAC All mutual recognition system. APLAC has 37 mutual recognition members from 23 economies. Mutual recognition of testing, calibration or test results issued by accredited laboratories or testing institutes by APLAC mutual recognition accreditation bodies through APLAC Mutual Recognition Agreements. APLAC has joined the ILAC test (including medicine), calibration, testing three mutual recognition system, ILAC fully believe APLAC mutual recognition results, therefore, CNAS accredited testing laboratories, calibration laboratories, testing agencies and medical testing laboratories issued The report can use the ILACMRA joint logo.

To be simple, CNAS is a certificate that can be obtained only by a national accredited testing and accreditation body, or even recognized internationally. Themis access to CNAS recognized that the test report issued by Themis means national and international recognition!


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